It's MCountdown time^^

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[Info] Kim Hyun Joong - KBS Music Bank Line Up [13.08.02]

اطلاعات مربوط به موزیک بانک،من از این اینفینیت و اکسو خیلی میترسم

Tonight 6PM Kim Hyun Joong comeback @ MnetKR [M Countdown] of today's

ساعت 6به وقت کره هیون تو شبکه ام نت کام بک داره EXO, Brown Eyed Girls هم هستن...ببینیم چه میکنه هیون

Tonight 6PM Kim Hyun Joong comeback @ MnetKR [M Countdown] of today's performers Revealed! EXO, Brown Eyed Girls, Kim Hyun Joong's special comeback stage ~ I'll see you at 6:00 Mnet

Kim Hyun Joong Goes for a S...e...x....y Swim in “High Cut”

Kim Hyun Joong has transformed into a sexy marine boy.
Kim Hyun Joong revealed a couple of cuts from a recent “High Cut” photo shoot, which will be released on August 1. The photos show Kim Hyun Joong dripping wet with a white shirt clinging onto his muscular body, shaking the hearts of fans everywhere.
It is reported that Kim Hyun Joong displayed his diving skills that he attained from the SBS variety show, “Barefoot Friends” during the photo shoot.
In the interview that follows, Kim Hyun Joong talked about his track “Gentleman” from his recent mini-album, “Round 3.” He said, “I worked on that track since last year and I wanted to make it my title track. But when PSY came out first with ‘Gentleman,’ I changed the title of my track to ‘Superman’ but it didn’t sound as good,” and “In the end, it became a non-title track and the title track that was created afterwards was ‘Your Story.’”
About the diving mission that he went through in “Barefoot Friends,” Kim Hyun Joong commented, “I had to jump from a height that’s around four or five stories high. It wasn’t easy to overcome my fears and I was scared every time I jumped. I only jumped because the cameras were rolling,” and “If you’re a celebrity, whether it’s 10 meters or 20 meters, you can always jump if the cameras are rolling.”
Kim Hyun Joong’s photo shoot and interview can be found in the 107th issue of “High Cut.”

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong changes title song because of Psy

Kim Hyun Joong goes for a dive into the water in his latest pictorial for the August edition of fashion magazine, ‘High Cut’.
In his new summer fashion photoshoot, Kim Hyun Joong showed off his tight and fit body under the water. Having already showcased his diving skills through his variety show ‘Barefoot friends’, the singer managed to display his charms once again under the water.
In an interview with the magazine, Kim Hyun Joong revealed that he changed his original title song because of Psy. He said that his title track was supposed to be “Gentleman” and explained, “It was written a year ago and I wanted it to be my title song for my new album. But Psy sunbaenim came out with ‘Gentleman’ first, so I had to change it.”

Kim Hyun Joong “I will definitely not reveal my relationship to the public

عاااااااااغااااااااا یه مقاله...

Kim Hyun Joong says “I will definitely not reveal my relationship to the public”.

من هرگز رابطه ام رو توی عموم برای مردم فاش نمیکنم....

On 30th, Kim Hyun Joong guested on Kim Bum Soo’s Gayo FM. Kim Hyun Joong also says that “Even if I have a girlfriend, I will certainly not reveal to the public” on air. Kim Hyun Joong then explains his rational by saying “If I’m not an entertainer, I will be able enjoy the fun of dating publicly, but it’s hard to do this as an entertainer”.  He also added that “For a girl, the label ‘ex-girlfriend of xxx’ would always stick with her, such things are disadvantageous for girls and it’s unfair to them”.  When asked about his ideal type, Kim Hyun Joong reveals “My ideal type is someone that shares the same interests as me”.

در سی ام جولای هیون جونگ مهمون برنامه ی Kim Bum Soo’s Gayo FM بود...{همین دیروز}...
هیون همچنین گفت:اگر که هم د.و.س.ت د.خ.ت.ر داشته باشم..یقینا اونو فاش نمیکنم...
هیون بعدش با گفتن اینکه:اگر من سرگرم کننده نیستم..از قرارهای عمومی و در معرض دید لذت خواهم برد!!{منظورش اینه که حالا که معروفه نمیتونه!!}منطق خودش رو نشون داد!!!
همچنین اضافه کرد:برای یه دختر اگه از یه پسری جدا بشه این مثل یه نشون و برچسبی همیشه باهاش میمونه و این واسش خوب نیست{بابا غیرت بابا تعصب..بابا ته شعور و معرفت}
ولی در مورد آیدول مورد علاقش پرسیدن..هیون جونگ فاش کرد که:
فرد مورد علاقه ی من کسی که توی علایق و خوشی هامون باهم سهیم باشیم...

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong Gave Up His Original Title Song Because of Psy

Returning to K-Pop with Round 3, Kim Hyun Joong revealed that his title track was not supposed to be Your Story.

بازگشت به کی پاپ با راند 3... هیون اظهار کرد که ترک تایتل آلبومش نباید your story  می بود ...

During an interview with fashion magazine, High Cut, Kim Hyun Joong said he had to give up his original title song because of Psy. The reason was because the title song he wanted was also named Gentleman.

توی یه مصاحبه با مجله مد high cut گفت که از قطعه ای که به عنوان تایتل و آهنگ اصلی برای البومش انتخاب کرده بود بخاطر سای منصرف شد. علتش این بود که اون قطعه ای که میخواست به عنوان تایتل باشه هم اسمش جنتلمن بود

“It was a song that we’ve been working on since last year, so I was a bit greedy with the title,” explained Kim Hyun Joong. “But then Psy sunbaenim came out with Gentleman first, so we tried changing the title to Superman and others, but it didn’t stick.”
هیون توضیح داد که این آهنگی بود که ما یه سال پیش انتخاب کردیم بهمین خاطر من براش خیلی حرص میزدم... اما سونبه سای اول با آهنگ جنتلمن اومد پس ما سعی کردیم اسم قطعه رو به سوپر من یا یه همچی چیزهایی تغییر بدیم اما فایده ای نداشت..."

He added that Gentleman ended up just being one of the songs on his new album.
“That’s why Your Story was born and it’s a good song, so everything worked out in the end.”

اون اضافه کرد بالاخره جنتلمن فقط به عنوان یکی از آهنگهای آلبوم قرار گرفت و بهمین خاطر your story متولد شد که آهنگ خیلی خوبی هم هست و نهایتا همه چی روبراه شد.

The full interview and pictorial will be included in issue 107, to be released on August 1.
Photo Credit: High Cut

clip - Kim Hyun Joong rank #1 in Music Chart

سلام به همگی ظهرتون بخیر ، این میهن بازم نمیذاره ما پست جدید بذاریم

ولی ما کم نمیاریم 

خب این هم کلیپ خبر MV هیون توی یه شبکه چینی که رتبه ی اول رو اورده


Video - 2013 07 26 kim hyun joong come back pre view on Music Bank

این هم از کلیپ تبلیغ کام بک هیون توی موزیک بانک که خبرشو استااااد داده بود، قراره هفته ی دیگه 2 Aug اجرا داشته باشه

نکتش اینه که تصویرایی که از موزیک ویدئو یور استوریه هیون نشون میده توی تیزر نبوده


FANCAMS - 130725 Kim Hyun Joong 김현중 - Guerrilla Date @ KBS

سلام به همگی 

6تا فنکم از برنامه ی دیروزه هیون اوردم براتون ، من که همشو دوست داشتم، پیشنهاد میکنم شما هم حتما ببینید

از اونجایی که نمیشد پست جدید بذارم این ویدئوها رو به یکی از پستای قدیمیم اضافه کردم ، از دست میهن





ادامه مطلب ...

VIDEO- Kim Hyun Joong @ 130722 Mnet Wide

ظهر همگی بخیر

یعنی تا از خواب بیدار شدم این ویدئو جدید از هیون اومد


clip - Unbreakable KIM HYUN JOONG @ Stardaily hallyu News (The 3rd Week of July)

سلام صبح همگی بخیر

خبر MV هیون در استار دیلی نیوز

download link

clip - 130719 Kim Hyun Joong @ Entertainment Today News MBC

و این هم از اخبار MV هیون توی شبکه ی MBC


News-UEE’s mother picks Kim Hyun Joong as perfect husband materia

ببینید این مادر بی حیای یویی چه خوابی برای دخترش دیده
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