Kim Hyun Joong - THEFACESHOP Weibo Update [13.08.13]

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[Article] Kim Hyun Joong Gave Up His Original Title Song Because of Psy

Returning to K-Pop with Round 3, Kim Hyun Joong revealed that his title track was not supposed to be Your Story.

بازگشت به کی پاپ با راند 3... هیون اظهار کرد که ترک تایتل آلبومش نباید your story  می بود ...

During an interview with fashion magazine, High Cut, Kim Hyun Joong said he had to give up his original title song because of Psy. The reason was because the title song he wanted was also named Gentleman.

توی یه مصاحبه با مجله مد high cut گفت که از قطعه ای که به عنوان تایتل و آهنگ اصلی برای البومش انتخاب کرده بود بخاطر سای منصرف شد. علتش این بود که اون قطعه ای که میخواست به عنوان تایتل باشه هم اسمش جنتلمن بود

“It was a song that we’ve been working on since last year, so I was a bit greedy with the title,” explained Kim Hyun Joong. “But then Psy sunbaenim came out with Gentleman first, so we tried changing the title to Superman and others, but it didn’t stick.”
هیون توضیح داد که این آهنگی بود که ما یه سال پیش انتخاب کردیم بهمین خاطر من براش خیلی حرص میزدم... اما سونبه سای اول با آهنگ جنتلمن اومد پس ما سعی کردیم اسم قطعه رو به سوپر من یا یه همچی چیزهایی تغییر بدیم اما فایده ای نداشت..."

He added that Gentleman ended up just being one of the songs on his new album.
“That’s why Your Story was born and it’s a good song, so everything worked out in the end.”

اون اضافه کرد بالاخره جنتلمن فقط به عنوان یکی از آهنگهای آلبوم قرار گرفت و بهمین خاطر your story متولد شد که آهنگ خیلی خوبی هم هست و نهایتا همه چی روبراه شد.

The full interview and pictorial will be included in issue 107, to be released on August 1.
Photo Credit: High Cut