Kim Hyun Joong cried

این عکس ارزش اینو داشت که تو یه پست جدا گذاشته بشه اشکاشو این عکسو برای همیشه داشته باشین

Official Photo Album (Japan Version)

آپدیت فتوبوک ورژن ژاپنی


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[Article] Kim Hyun Joong Stands in for TVXQ’s Changmin on ‘Our Neighborhood Arts and Sports’

TVXQ's Changmin wasn't available on the latest filming of KBS 2TV 'Our Neighborhood Arts and Sport' that took place on August 7.

One official from the show said, 'Changmin had a prior engagement in Japan that was scheduled a while back, and so he couldn't make it to filming that day.'

On this episode of 'Our Neighborhood,' the cast members went to an Olympic village in Nowon-gu, Seoul and trained with the national team athletes. They trained their bodies and minds for the upcoming fourth badminton tournament to be held on August 21.

Cast members Jo Dal Hwan, John Park, FeelDog, and Lee Ji Hoon were admitted to the Olympic Village and received the same type of training that national athletes go through. Their main training took place with national badminton players.

In addition, Kim Hyun Joong joined the cast for this badminton episode. His badminton skills certified his athleticism that day. An official said, 'Kim Hyun Joong appeared for filming. He is already well known as an athletic person. He will be with the show for about two weeks as a badminton player


[Article] Kim Hyun Joong ROUND 3 No.5 on Gaon Chart National Physical Albums Ranking for the month of July 2013

The Gaon Chart is the national chart of South Korea and is intended to be the equivalent of Oricon in Japan and Billboard in the United States.

Check out the chart rankings for the month of July 2013 (July 1 - July 31) below!

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong 'Round 3' No.2 on Gaon Chart National Physical Albums Ranking for July 28 - August 3

رتبه 2 هیون در چارت گائون+رتبه های هیون از 28 جولای تا 3 آگوست در رده بندیه آلبوم ها

The Gaon Chart is the national chart of South Korea and is intended to be the equivalent of Oricon in Japan and Billboard in the United States.

Check out the chart rankings for the week of July 28 to August 3 below!
< Gaon Chart National Digital Singles Ranking >

1. f(x)- "Rum Pum Pum Pum"

2. Brown Eyed Girls - "Kill Bill"

3. Crayon Pop - "Bar Bar Bar"

4. B2ST - "Shadow"

5. Ailee - "U&I"

6. f(x)- "Shadow"

7. f(x) - "GoodBye Summer"

8. A Pink - "No No No"

9. Girl's Day - "Please Tell Me"

10. San E - "Story of Someone I Know"

< Gaon Chart National Physical Albums Ranking >

1. f(x) – 'Pink Tape'

2. Kim Hyun Joong – 'Round 3'

3. VIXX – 'Jekyll'

4. B2ST – 'Hard To Love, How To Love'

5. Brown Eyed Girls – 'Black Box'

6. A Pink – 'Secret Garden'

7. MYNAME – '1st Mini Album'

8. Various Artists - 'I Hear Your Voice OST'

9. Lee Jung Hyun - 'V'

10. BTS – '2 Cool 4 Skool'
< Online Downloads For The Week >

1. f(x) - "Rum Pum Pum Pum" – 1,690,748 Downloads

2. Brown Eyed Girls - "Kill Bill"  - 1,281,738 Downloads

3. f(x) - "Shadow" - 695,662 Downloads

4. f(x) - "Goodbye Summer" – 620,629 Downloads

5. Crayon Pop - "Bar Bar Bar" - 603,874 Downloads

6. Girl's Day - "Please Tell Me" – 589,086 Downloads

7. B2ST - "Shadow" – 529,761 Downloads

8. Ailee - "U&I" - 497,818 Downloads

9. Younha - "That Road..." - 477,950 Downloads

10. Kang Seung Yoon - "Wild And Young" - 472,381 Downloads
< Top 10 songs sung at Karaoke >

1. Shin Yong Jae – "The Reason I Became A Singer"

2. Crayon Pop - "Bar Bar Bar"

3. A Pink – "NoNoNo"

4. izi - "Emergency Room"

5. Roy Kim and Jung Joon Young – "Becoming Dust"

6. Big Mama - "Resignation"

7. Huh Gak ft. Eunji - "Short Hair"

8. Geeks - "Officially Missing You"

9. Ailee – "U&I"

10. Lee Eun Mi– "I Have A Lover"
< Gaon Social Chart >

1. B2ST - "Shadow" - 80,234 Points

2. Kim Hyun Joong ft. Dok2 - "Your Story" - 71,961 Points

3. INFINITE - "Destiny" - 49,555 Points

4. Crayon Pop - "Bar Bar Bar" - 43,292 Points

5. SISTAR - "Give It To Me" - 41,245 Points

6. B.A.P - "ONE SHOT" - 28,494 Points

7. B.A.P - "Hurricane" - 28,427 Points

8. Ailee - "U&I" - 24,797 Points

9. 4minute - "Is it Poppin'?" - 23,628 Points

10. 4minute - "What's Your Name?" - 23,026 Points

[News] Kim Hyun Joong Spills that Bae Yong Jun is the King of Cellphone Games [08.08.2013]

Dishing out on his agency CEO, Kim Hyun Joong spilled that Bae Yong Jun is the king of cellphone games.

هیون گفت بائه یونگ جون استاده بازیهای موبایلیه

On August 6, Kim Hyun Joong appeared as a guest on SBS’ Incarnation, showcasing his hilarious 4D personality.
هیون تو برنامه 6 آگست اون شخصیت 4D رو خوبببب به نمایش گذاشت

When asked about his hallyu star CEO, Kim Hyun Joong said he talks to Bae Yong Jun on a regular basis and sees each other at least once a month. Bong Tae Gyu, who is also in the same agency, stated that he heard that Bae Yong Jun and Kim Hyun Joong talk about work for two minutes and talk about women for two hours.

Kim Hyun Joong nodded, saying Bae Yong Jun is also a man

هیون گفت که با بائه یونگ جون معمولا صحبت میکنه و اونها همدیگرو حداقل یه بار تو ماه میبینن.

بونگ تائه گیو که از همون کمپانیه هیونه گفت که شنیده هیون و یونگ جون 2 دیقه درباره کار صحبت میکنن و 2 ساعت درباره زنا صحبت میکنن... هیونم که قربونش برم سرشو همینطور تکون داد و نهایت تلاششو کرد و گفت یونگ جونم خب یه مرده دیگه

Adding an extra detail about his CEO, Kim Hyun Joong said Bae Yong Jun is good at cellphone games, particularly Anipang.

هیون گفت که یونگ جون تو بازیهای موبایلی خیلی خوبه بخصوص آنی پانگ

“He’s always at the top of scoreboard,” said Kim Hyun Joong. “I think he has a special talent for it.”
هیون بازم درباره یونگ جون میگه که اون همیشه توی بورد امتیازا تاپ و نفره اوله . من فک میکنم اون یه استعداد خاصی داره تو این زمینه.

Photo Credit: SBS

[Article] Why Kim Hyun Joong Doesn′t Want His Juniors to Bow to Him

Kim Hyun Joong denied rumors that he′s so proud that he only answers to Bae Yong Jun.

The singer made an appearance on the August 6 broadcast of SBS′ Hwashin

هیون شایعاتی که درباره ی اینه که اون خیلی به خودش افتخار میکنه که اون فقط به بائه یونگ جون جواب میده رو انکار کرد.

هیون تو برنامه هواشین شبکه اس بی اس روز 6 آگست حضور داشت

The MCs were the ones who brought the issue up by asking him a straight question, saying, "There′s a rumor that though you were really polite when you were a rookie, nowadays you don′t greet your juniors as much. Is it true?"
مجری موضوع رو اینطور پیش کشید که مستقیم از هیون پرسید "یه شایعه ای هست که میگن وقتی که تازه کار بودی خیلی با ادب و نزاکت بودی ولی این روزها به تازه کارا و جونیورهای خودت زیاد تبریک نمیگی و در واقع تحویل نمیگیری. این درسته؟"

Kim Hyun Joong answered, "Juniors are usually realy polite toward me. I get embarrassed when they greet me that way. It′s like we′re in North Korea, and I′m a great leader. I just answer ′okay′ in a tiny voice and run away."

هیون جواب داد که معمولا تازه کارا نسبت به من خیلی با نزاکتن. من خجالت میکشم وقتی اونها بهم احترام میذارن و تبریک میگن اونطوری. این مثه اینه که ما تو کره شمالی هستیم و من یه لیدر بالاتر از اونها هستم .

من فقط بهشون جواب میدم که او کییییییی تازه اونم با یه صدای نازک و در حال حرکت

He said he also tries to avoid going to the bathroom because his juniors are polite to him even there.
"They bow down to me when I′m in the bathroom doing whatever I need to do. That′s why I avoid going to the bathroom too," he said.

اون گفت سعی میکنه از رفتن به حموم (احتمالا منظور دستشوئی بوده )  خووداری کنه بخاطر اینکه جونیوراش اونجا هم باهاش خیلی مودب برخورد میکنن و اونجام بهش تعظیم میکنن حتی وقتی تو دستشوئیم و هر کاری ممکنه بکنم این همون چیزیه که من سعی میکنم دستشوئی هم نرم

(منم مثه هیون از این آیدلهای فنچ خوشم نمیاد ... بچه همینجوری هم که کلیش خوب کار نمیکنه حالا دستشوئی هم نره و خودشو نیگه داره که هیچی مرگ بر جونیورهای بانزاکته احترام بذار)

He finished, "I don′t like how juniors who are so enthusiastic onstage become bowing dolls backstage. It′s a weird system."
هیون صحبتهاشو اینطوری تموم کرد " من از این خوشم نمیاد که این خواننده های تازه کار روی صحنه خیلی خودشونو مشتاق و پر انرژی نشون میدن و توی بک استیج تبدیل میشن به یه سری عروسکهای تعظیم کننده . این سیستم خیلی عجیب غریب و مرموزه " 

Photo credit: SBS

Barefoot Friends Episode 16 English subs

اپیزود 16 دوستان پابرهنه با زیرنویس انگلیسی...خودمونم به زودی با مدیا برا دانلود میذاریمش



Part 1 | Part 2 |  Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Part 1 | Part 2 |  Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5